The website is owned by the association COMMUNAUTE MISSIONNAIRE CHRETIENNE INTERNATIONALE DE PARIS (hereinafter CMCI-PARIS). CMCI-PARIS is a non-profit association governed by the French law of 1901, with its headquarters located at 46 bis rue Saint Fargeau, 75020 PARIS, France. It is registered under the RNA number W751269697 and was published in the official journal on May 30, 2023. It is represented by Mr. Philippe MBAKOB – MBAKOB in his capacity as President.
Phone: +33 6 17 64 69 85
Mr. Jean Jacques AKAKPO
The website was designed and developed by the association COMMUNAUTE MISSIONNAIRE CHRETIENNE INTERNATIONALE DE PARIS (CMCI-PARIS).
The hosting and maintenance of the CMCI-PARIS website are ensured by the company HOSTINGER:
Headquarters: 61 Lordou Vironos Street, 6023 Larnaca, CYPRUS
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This site was created to inform and promote the activities of CMCI-PARIS and to share information about CMCI-PARIS events.
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