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The website belongs to the association COMMUNAUTE MISSIONNAIRE CHRETIENNE INTERNATIONALE DE PARIS (hereinafter referred to as CMCI-PARIS). CMCI-PARIS is committed to protecting privacy by safeguarding personal data. To this end, CMCI-PARIS implements necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent, as far as possible, any alteration, loss, or unauthorized access to your personal data. Only authorized individuals with justified missions have access to your data.

CMCI-PARIS undertakes to comply with legal provisions related to personal data protection. This privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the “policy”) aims to provide clear information on the personal data processing carried out by CMCI-PARIS as a data controller.

This privacy policy may evolve at any time to adapt to new processing activities and legislative and regulatory changes.

Personal Data: Refers to any information relating to an identifiable natural person, directly or indirectly.
Sensitive Data: Refers to any information relating to racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic or biometric data.
Data Protection Officer (DPO): Refers to the person responsible for ensuring compliance with personal data protection regulations within an organization.
Data Controller: Refers to the legal entity, represented by its legal representative, that determines the purposes and means of processing.
Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL): Refers to the supervisory authority responsible for ensuring compliance with personal data obligations in France.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): European regulation that governs the processing of personal data across the European Union (No. 2016/679 of April 27, 2016). It came into effect on May 25, 2018.

Who is the data controller for your data?
COMMUNAUTE MISSIONNAIRE CHRETIENNE INTERNATIONALE DE PARIS (CMCI-PARIS), an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901, with its headquarters located at 46 bis rue Saint Fargeau, 75020 PARIS, registered under RNA number W751269697 and published in the official journal on May 30, 2023.

Contact: +33 6 17 64 69 85,

What personal data is processed by CMCI-PARIS?
CMCI-PARIS may collect the following personal information from digital or paper supports:
– Identification Data: Title, name, first name, date of birth or age, photo.
– Personal Life: Family, academic, university, and professional status.
– Contact Information: Postal address, email, phone number, social networks.
– Financial Information: Bank account details, IBAN, credit card number.
– Management Data: Donation history, donor number.
– Navigation Data: IP address.
– Sensitive Data: Information relating to religious or philosophical beliefs.

What are the purposes of the data processing carried out by CMCI-PARIS?
The personal data collected by CMCI-PARIS is used for the following purposes:
– Allowing you to participate in our activities and events.
– Supporting you in the Christian faith.
– Responding to your requests for information about our activities and vision.
– Keeping you informed of our activities and news through the newsletter.
– Managing donations and issuing tax receipts.
– Social media communication.
– Improving the quality and relevance of our actions through statistics.

Who are the recipients of your data?
Depending on the processing purpose, your personal data may be communicated internally to our various departments (communication, accounting, management, etc.) and to service providers involved in the use of certain software, applications, and platforms. Your data may also be transmitted to the tax administration in case of a justified official request.

What are the legal grounds for data processing by CMCI-PARIS?
– Based on your consent:
  – Processing of your personal data for event registration.
  – Processing of your personal data for the contact form.
  – Processing of your personal data for chatbot use.
  – Processing of your personal data for newsletter subscription.
  – Processing of your personal data for optional cookie deposit on your device.
  – Processing of your personal data for the capture and publication of your image.
– Based on CMCI-PARIS’s legitimate interest:
  – Processing of your personal data for donation management.
  – Processing of your personal data for social media interactions.
  – Processing of your personal data for technical cookie deposits on your device.

How long does CMCI-PARIS keep your data?

| Processing                         | Retention Period                                |
| Event registration form            | 3 months after the event                        |
| Contact form                       | 6 months from the last contact                  |
| Chatbot use                        | 6 months from the last use                      |
| Newsletter subscription            | Data retention until unsubscribed               |
| Image publication                  | Retention until consent withdrawal              |
| Donation management                | 10 years                                        |
| Social media interactions          | 1 year from the last contact                    |
| Cookie deposit                     | 1 month                                         |

What rights do you have over your data?
Under data protection regulations, you have certain rights regarding the processing of your data. These rights vary depending on the legal basis for processing. The GDPR rights available to you are:
– Right of Access: You have the right to know what data CMCI-PARIS holds about you and to receive a copy of this data.
– Right of Rectification: You have the right to request the correction of inaccurate data or to complete data concerning you, related to the processing purpose.
– Right of Erasure: You have the right to request the complete or partial deletion of your personal data held by CMCI-PARIS.
– Right to Restriction: You have the right to request a temporary freeze on the processing of certain data.
– Right to Object: You have the right to object at any time to the use of certain data by CMCI-PARIS for reasons related to your particular situation.
– Right to Data Portability: You have the option to retrieve a portion of your data from CMCI-PARIS in a machine-readable format.

To exercise these rights, you can contact CMCI-PARIS’s Data Protection Officer at

Response Times for Exercising Your Rights
CMCI-PARIS commits through its DPO to respond to your request to exercise your GDPR rights within a reasonable period, not exceeding 1 month from the date of receipt of the request. This period may be extended to two months if your request is complex. In this case, the DPO will notify you of the extension.

Available Remedies
If, after contacting CMCI-PARIS or its DPO, you believe your rights are not being respected, you can file a complaint with the supervisory authority in France, the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), online at or by mail: CNIL, 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.