Since 8 May 2024, the date on which the Olympic torch set off on its journey, a blue tide has been sweeping across France. It’s a flood of a different kind, not caused by oceans or seas, but by a book: “The Game of Life”.
But what is The Game of Life?
The Game of Life is an expanded version of an existing book, God’s Love and Forgiveness, written by a world-renowned author: Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum, who has influenced not only the field of organic chemistry but also Christian circles. This book was born out of the desire to spread a message of the unconditional love of God to humanity at this unprecedented time when France is meeting the whole world. This non-profit mass distribution project is supported by the Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI).
What is Christian Missionary Fellowship International?
The Christian Missionary Fellowship International is a community of Christians in over 150 nations around the world, with several million members. Its purpose is to make disciples in obedience to the command of the Lord Jesus to go and make disciples of all nations. Like all so-called “religious” movements, it has at times been a source of misunderstanding, especially among people who have not grasped its vision. We stand for the Gospel message in all its substance, without any dilution. However, we want to make it clear that no one is obliged to join CMFI and no one is forced to stay.
What is the purpose of the “Game of Life” book distribution project?
This project aims to bring the love of Jesus for every human being to the attention of the French and the millions of tourists from many nations who will be attending the Olympic Games. The book has been translated into 10 languages and hundred of thousands of copies have been produced so that it can be read by as many people as possible. This project has been made possible by the voluntary donations of several CMFI members whose lives have been transformed by the love of Jesus. Given the considerable costs involved, the project required several months of preparation and coordination by many actors in several nations:
We hope that the message contained in the Blue Book will lead many to believe again in love, in the love of God, during this special season in France.
CMFI Communications Team